Celebrating the Pre-School Centre’s 30th year

Close-up of gold number thirty birthday balloons in the Pre-School Centre foyer.

91社区 Pre-School Centre marks 30 years since its official opening with a birthday reunion party, bringing together Alumni, families and staff for a nostalgic trip down memory lane.

Over 500 guests attended the event to celebrate the special occasion, reconnecting with friends and staff members and sharing their memories about their time at the Pre-School Centre.

Guests were warmly greeted by the Pre-School Manager, Adele Stewart and the team as they arrived, before moving on into the Pre-School Centre rooms where each age range had a ‘decade’ theme, with games, toys and music representing the past 30 years.

Outside in the marquee, guests enjoyed cake and soft drinks before paying the ice-cream van a visit for a traditional 99 ice-cream cone.

Pre-School Centre mascot Bonington Bear proudly posed for photos with everyone and children were gifted a special Bonington Bear plantable seed paper to take away to grow at home.

Many former Pre-School children and families shared their thoughts at the event:

“I had a great time at the party, I felt so special, everyone remembered me. I didn’t want to leave” Freddie.

“It was lovely to see you all, we had a great time reminiscing and seeing Pre-School in its present form, it was, and evidently remains, outstanding in every way!” The Kennedy family.

“That was so nostalgic, it was amazing, I felt lovely and warm inside” Thomas.

“Thank you, more than words can say for, helping us to bring up our two amazing children. What you do is so important” The Montgomery family.

Reflecting on the celebration, Pre-School Centre Manager, Adele Stewart said:

“It was a wonderful day full of laughter with lots of reminiscing. So many people commented on their fond memories about their time with us. It made the team feel very valued and we are privileged to have played such an important role in the lives of so many families.”

The Pre-School Centre team would like to thank everybody for attending and making the 30th anniversary celebration truly special.

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